+1-650-731-2358 | john@johnshipp.com | Skype: shippjohn

The Crisis of Authenticity in the Digital Workforce


In the era of remote work and gig economies, hiring talented individuals has become a streamlined process. But what if the talent you’re hiring isn’t what it seems? In my own experience, I’ve found that a significant number of applicants resort to misleading tactics—ranging from AI-generated cover letters to downright identity fraud. Let’s dive into these troubling trends.

AI-Generated Cover Letters: A Double-Edged Sword

Automated intelligence has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, but when it comes to job applications, it might be doing more harm than good. With the rise of AI, generating a flawless cover letter is as easy as a few clicks. While this technology allows candidates to showcase their ‘best selves’, it can also misrepresent one’s writing ability and language proficiency.


  • Employers may end up hiring individuals who cannot perform tasks that require a strong grasp of language, even though they claimed to be native speakers.
  • Authenticity and the personal touch that come from handwritten cover letters may become a thing of the past.

Identity Fraud: An Alarming Trend on Freelancing Platforms

I’ve had to discard 80% of applications after conducting video interviews—simply because the person on camera was not the person they claimed to be. This issue is alarmingly prevalent on freelancing platforms like Upwork.


  • Businesses waste time and resources screening fake candidates.
  • The integrity of freelancing platforms is compromised, making it harder for genuine freelancers to gain trust.

The Deception of Subcontracting Without Consent

In my own experience, I’ve hired candidates who assured me they would personally handle the projects, only to later find out they had subcontracted the work. Misleading practices like this have occurred multiple times over the last two years, leaving me in difficult situations that could have been easily avoided.


  • Such practices undermine trust between employers and employees.
  • Quality of work can suffer when it is handled by an undisclosed third party.


In this age of digital transformation, trust and authenticity are becoming rare commodities. It is crucial for both employers and job seekers to be vigilant and uphold ethical standards. For businesses, this means employing more rigorous verification methods, and for freelancers, it means embracing transparency and honesty as the best policies for long-term success.